Gary was born in Worcester in 1962. Although it showed a great talent for art from an early age, never considered a full-time career as an artist, instead moving through the school system and a conventional job. He always loved to paint and yet spent much of his spare time painting landscapes, real or imagined.
After receiving constant encouragement from his wife, Gary decided to take more
Gary was born in Worcester in 1962. Although it showed a great talent for art from an early age, never considered a full-time career as an artist, instead moving through the school system and a conventional job. He always loved to paint and yet spent much of his spare time painting landscapes, real or imagined.
After receiving constant encouragement from his wife, Gary decided to take more seriously their art and turn semi-professional while working part-time as a backup. For three years he painted in his studio and sell their works of art for private collectors and a variety of outlets. During this time, they gradually came to the conclusion that for him to become an artist full-time would be a dream come true.
In 2004, Gary was a great success and was a finalist in the competition DeMontfort New Artist. His prize was a publishing contract with DeMontfort, the United Kingdom, the largest publisher of art. To his delight, it is now able to make his dream a reality, and now describes himself as "highly privileged"!
Gary hallmark of recent watercolors concentrate on a mixture of buildings and coastal scenes. While exquisitely observed that are painted in a stylized form, which gives them a slight but intriguing air of fantasy.
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